In the last post I talked about capitalism and the modern market and its basis in "self interest" and "scarcity" - lack which always desires more. But why I am spending so much time on an economic system of exchange of goods and services?
There is a small but growing number of young scholars that are discerning the markets "practices and rituals" as being antagonistic to Christianity. James K A Smith writes,"...the new empire is capitalism as a global, transnational phenomenon -an empire of which states are only colonies". (Smith, Introducing Radical Orthodoxy p. 248) Smith also declares that the market demands an allegiance that rivals our commitment to Christ.
How has the market co-opted our allegiance to Christ? By forming us into disciples of desire. In a remarkable book, "Liberation Theology after the End of History", Daniel Bell argues that the market has stolen our desire for God and twisted it into a desire of self-interest and material goods. Bell argues that Christianity has been understood in terms of positive desire based on Augustine's claim, "our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee". Human hearts are created to desire God. But the market has twisted this positive desire in accord with the whims of the market. Our desires are now disciplined by the market to acquire, compete, consume. The market teaches us that there can be no other way. Consequently, Bell considers Christianity to be a healing of the desire that the market has created. Only by setting our hearts toward the Triune God, and being renewed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit can our longing be set straight toward our created purpose - desiring more of God.
So do we overthrow capitalism? No, we can't do that- we are not called as the church to do that. Are we called to withdraw? No, we are not called to do that either, nor is that possible. This is where the church comes in. The ekklesia must be the place where folks are finding the healing of desire and the ability to resist the discipleship of the market. What are the practices of the church that heal desire? Again, creative thought and Spirit-led imagination are essential. SUGGESTIONS?
Thanks for making me think...
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
There is so much talk about generousity and giving. Christ gave up his life... we ought not ever let each other forget that we should do no less. ...not about our achieving homelessness and poverty as much as it is that whatever we have belongs in the Kingdom, for the common good not our own.
so...Only in holding to the teachings will we know the truth and be set free.
now, what do i need to reconsider...
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