Thursday, June 01, 2006

Friends for the journey

One of the reasons that I enjoy the Ekklesia Project is because they understand how important friendships are to the Christian journey. Their statement reads "The EP is a network of Christians from across the Christian tradition who rejoice in a peculiar kind of friendship rooted in our common love of God and the Church. ..Our shared friendship is one of God's good gifts".

I deeply understand, more than ever before, how important "peculiar" friendships are to sustaining life in the kingdom. I have several peculiar friendships in my life right now - some with people much younger than I, some with people much different than I, some with people distances away.

One of those peculiar friendships is leaving this week to move to Madison, WI to work and help with a new church plant. She will be joining a couple of other "peculiar friends" that moved there last year. It is always sad to see people go, even when you know that the kingdom of God will be enhanced by it. Thankfully, I still have a few "peculiar friends" in the Quad-Cities that share a common love of God and church.

To all my "peculiar friends" I want to say - thanks for journeying with me. I count you as God's good gifts.


kate debaene said...

i know a group of peculiar friends in madison wisconsin that would love to have you as a peculiar neighbor friend. it's just a thought...:-)

jefe said...

Who you callin' peculiah, crazy white fool? Ahm a put a cap in yo funky Ummm...never mind. Thanks for calling me a gift. Marisa says something similar. She calls me "special."
PS- EP offers financial aid for The Gathering. I'm game if you are!!

Anonymous said...

i've always considered you a peculiar friend as well. i just never considered it such a positive thing! :-)

Anonymous said...

I realize that I'm only the sister of and best friend to a couple of said peculiar friends. But I see a gaping hole in Dwayne team with the loss of Kate that, if asked, I would consider filling. Just throwin' it out there.
ps: thanks for making it possible for non-bloggers to comment.