Over the past couple of years I have had several people ask about who I am - theologically. Most of them know that I had a past life - in a Pentecostal church. Few of them know that as a child I frequented churches from the Assembly of God, FreeWill Baptist and Church of Christ variety. Theological mutt, you might say.
So who am I now? At this point in my life I have found three streams of thought that are important to me. They have formed me, nourished me theologically, and make up most of what I read and study besides the Bible. So here it is....
I am (today, anyway) an EVANGELICAL, WESLEYAN, ANABAPTIST. That is it - these are the three streams of thought and practice that have and continue to form my thinking.
I know better than to make empty promises over my blog - I have already been chided for making post promises and not fulfilling them - so - no promises about frequency. However, I plan on spending the next few posts going over each of these three influences and explaining why they are important to me.
There you have it... that is who I am. So who are you?
you know dwayne over the years i've called you a lot of things but i think my new favorite is definetely going to be a theological mutt! glad to see a new post - looking forward to another.
who am i? need you ask...i am messianic jew. haha. hey, so i was listening to rob bell and he had a message that might as well have been read right out of a walter wink essay. look at you and he sharing reading material. :-)
seriously, still waiting for a new post
Patience, Suzie, patience. But really, I am glad that you and your little messianic Jew friend are still reading...
still reading?!?! your blog is in high demand these days.
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