Can I get a witness concerning my new shoes? I would love to entertain testimonies about the "coolness" of my new white velcro tennis shoes. The velcro straps are functional and comfortable - I have my eye on a grey pair as well to round out my winter ensemble. So what do you really think?
i imagine your children would prefer you wear them only in your bedroom...this would signfy, with all due respect, that you just need a set of golf clubs, plaid shorts,a condo and your set for retiring in Florida.
when i think cool, i think of these shoes. clearly, as i have learned watching a lot of project runway, good fashion is equatic with great orthotic support, time saved tying laces, and the overall loudness of a shoe and its ability to wake up family members. don't take grief on this. this is all over the runways in paris, it just hasn't hit the states. they are the latest and greatest in the eyes of versace, dolce gabana, and jimmy choo. velcro shoes = a dwayne possibly hipper than hauerwas.
You don't need shoes to prove that your "coolness". Maybe it's just that you are so far ahead of your time in fashion... and have you thought of what this means for you when all your friends -and your wife - are wearing velcro? maybe go right to wearing house slippers?
you keep setting the trends - while the rest of us remain slaves to our shoes with the time consuming shoe laces! sketchers, please!
You're going to need a dress pair like my dad has.
i never thought i'd hear you say the words functional and comfortable in the same sentence, scary. i just hope that whatever is in your winter ensemble it doesn't overshadow the grey shoes, we wouldn't want anything to take away from their beauty....i agree with jenn too you will definetely have to get a dress pair for those special weekends when you preach!
As far as the east is from the west, well, maybe not that.. how about for as long as the israelites waited in the Sinai, have I waited for a post like this on this friggin blawg! This! This was funny! The shoes! The shoes! Hallelujah for the velcro shoes. Maris & Susie think you're my guru already, but as far as I am concerned, until you see me in a pair of those sweetcrappy kicks, you're the master & I'm but a poseur neophyte.
I went to get me a pair and they were all sold out. I think alot more people have them but don't have the courage to wear them in public. Congratulations!
so are you out shoe shopping out what? have you not been able to post because your velcro straps have worn out and you couldn't find a cobbler to make the repairs so you had to make a trip to - dare i say it - WALMART to pick up replacement velcro and now you are too ashamed to blog to your captive audience.
car 54, where are you?
If Wal-mart was the only place that carried velco-shoes, I would never own a pair...
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