I thought I would take a short break from all the madness that I have been writing about. My wife and our friend Susan will be proud that I am. Something a little more personal is in order.
Last night my son Taylor and I made a solo trip to Borders to pick up some books. Books do something for me. I can't get enough of them. But last night was special for another reason. I noticed as Taylor hung out with me (impatiently at times, mind you) in the religion, then philosophy, then government and politics sections, that we were just plain having fun together. Taylor amused himself by finding a book on sign language - and walked away from the experience with the sign for "fart". That was entertaining for the rest of the night.
This note is "kudos" to Taylor. He is not a little boy anymore - we are beginning to have discussions (short ones) about the Middle East crisis, church, and of course, girls. But the best realization that was reinforced for me last night - is that he is just plain fun to be around. I am proud of him. I can't wait to see what he is gonnabe.
thanks for the shout out, you're right this post was definetely overdue! your kids are awesome, but so is kathy (and yes you too)! love you guys
i know the signs for turtle, my band, cookies, little person, and "your momma". don't ask. and yes, these have all gotten me into trouble at some point.
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