I have had several people ask me recently about some of the theological changes in my life. I have had several changes in my 20+ years of ministry and study. Some might regard my changes as theological mood swings, not to be trusted. I would hope others see my shifts as attempts to think through my faith, not as reactionary whims, but as honest, soul-searching inquiry to know the heart of God better.
One of the most abrupt changes in the last few years has been my support of a pacifist way of life. I say "abrupt" only in the sense that it seemed not to be on the radar screen and then all of a sudden it was there. But that is not really the case. I have been reading and studying a particularly vexing problem for several years: religion and violence. Why does it seem that "love of God" seems to have created a lot of hatred of neighbor over the centuries? But a bigger question yet, "What should a follower of Jesus think about violence"?
I hope to spend the next several blogs trying to decipher my own thoughts on these issues. As the title of this blog already states - I have tipped my hand that I am now in the pacifist camp. Even as I say it, I know that is makes little sense to some people. Here are some of the questions that will come to mind:
1. What about the Old Testament - didn't God order Israel to make war?
2. What about Hitler? How would you have responded to that crisis?
3. What if everyone was pacifist? The US would surely be take over by others if everyone thought like me.
4. What about Jesus - was he really a pacifist?
5. Isn't pacifism just another way of saying - "chicken"? You let others die for your country, while you enjoy the benefits. Isn't pacifism cowardice?
6. Isn't pacifism unrealistic? There are bad guys out there wanting to do us harm, how are we to respond?
These are some of the questions that I will be attempting to work through over the next few weeks. Wish me luck - this is an attempt to think out loud - usually a dangerous thing.
One of the most abrupt changes in the last few years has been my support of a pacifist way of life. I say "abrupt" only in the sense that it seemed not to be on the radar screen and then all of a sudden it was there. But that is not really the case. I have been reading and studying a particularly vexing problem for several years: religion and violence. Why does it seem that "love of God" seems to have created a lot of hatred of neighbor over the centuries? But a bigger question yet, "What should a follower of Jesus think about violence"?
I hope to spend the next several blogs trying to decipher my own thoughts on these issues. As the title of this blog already states - I have tipped my hand that I am now in the pacifist camp. Even as I say it, I know that is makes little sense to some people. Here are some of the questions that will come to mind:
1. What about the Old Testament - didn't God order Israel to make war?
2. What about Hitler? How would you have responded to that crisis?
3. What if everyone was pacifist? The US would surely be take over by others if everyone thought like me.
4. What about Jesus - was he really a pacifist?
5. Isn't pacifism just another way of saying - "chicken"? You let others die for your country, while you enjoy the benefits. Isn't pacifism cowardice?
6. Isn't pacifism unrealistic? There are bad guys out there wanting to do us harm, how are we to respond?
These are some of the questions that I will be attempting to work through over the next few weeks. Wish me luck - this is an attempt to think out loud - usually a dangerous thing.
I'm anxious to hear you thinking out loud, it's definetely a thought provoking subject. Here's a thought...do you think the guy in the picture here is wearing velcro shoes??? He kind of looks like he fits the part don't you think?
oh no she din't! dang girl, don't be messin with the brutha's kicks.
jefe x
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